Well that's nice. No really, very fascinating...because blogging really wasn't my "thing" either until I decided to embrace it. Catch my drift? Okay, so if gabbing abut Louis Vuitton, Birkin and Prada (I'm more of a Kate Spade gal myself) as you lay out to get that last tan in the waning days of summer is more in your comfort zone then it's time to take a dive into the proverbial deep end. More to this point, here's a cute conversation that I had with a classy broad I know interjected with some creative liberties (if you might allow me to digress, I've been waiting for an opportune time to use the word broad as archaic as it is...it just sounds funny, right?):
Me: Are you coming to the tailgate tomorrow?
Broad: I want to see everyone, but football really isn't my thing.
Me: Have you been to a tailgate?
Broad: No
Me: Oh em gee! Tailgates are phenomenal and I insist that you come.
Broad: It sounds like a drunkfest.
Me: ::::vomit::::
This is where I feel the broad missed the point. Tailgates can and will include plenty of drinking, yes. Plenty of douchy guys playing beer pong, yes. And plenty of girls that will swoon over the aforementioned points, but here's where I feel obligated to shed some light on what tailgates are really about:
- tradition (especially at my alma mater, USC)
- a sense of community and purpose
- a collective energy that fights off any sort of blues
- good food (shout out to my Food Network viewers- you'd be surprised how far the tailgate scene has come)
Now let's get into the game. Today's key matchup in the greater Los Angeles area:
- #23 ranked Texas vs UCLA @ the Rose Bowl (Pasadena, CA...awesome flea market on Sundays, fyi.) UCLA comes off an uninspired win against San Jose State, to put them at 1-1, while the Texas Longhorns come to town at 2-0 with a very impressive defense i.e. UCLA's head coach, Rick Neuheisel, is on the "hot seat" (as you will quickly find out, sports analogies are as ubiquitous as bleach blonde hair in south Orange County). Try it out, "hot seat" this and "hot seat" that and let me know how it goes.
- Syracuse vs. USC @ the Coliseum (downtown Los Angeles-ish). Both teams come into this game 2-0, with SC coming off a barn burner against University of Utah where the final score was debated throughout this week, but that's another story. USC is favored to win the game, but in order to do this their anemic offense led by quarterback Matt Barkley must improve. I don't know what they have against quarters two through four, but I like my action to be consistent throughout the game.
Tune in for photos and more sarcastic commentary later today. If you hear anything that sounds like Chinese during your tailgate or favorite watering hole, like "their red zone offense must improve" or "quick bubble screen to the wide receiver" or "red-shirt freshman" or "tailgate" feel free to post and I will respond promptly. However, I will not be answering questions about "on a scale of 1 to 10 how hot is Matt Barkley"... besides, the proof is in the pudding.
Fight On!
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